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Archived Feedback
Here you can view an assortment of older comments and queries.

From: Bob Smith
Date: 23rd May, 2001

The Spot is all hype. This website does nothing but overglamourises the "precinct". Your precinct is, in fact, a hole. Plain and simple. There's no parking (I don't understand why, that would mean people actually visit this forsaken place), your "heritage style" buildings are in fact dilapidated slums from the 30s, and the place has as much charisma as a toad that's been run over by a Sydney bus. Shame on you.

The Spot Replies:

That may be the case (the bit about the hole), but still, what do you expect us to advertise the Spot as? A place where old fogies hang out catatonic in the middle of the road while a Sydney busdriver who can't speak English swerves around them and totals a bystander instead? No. I mean, since when did you buy a McDonald's burger that wasn't soggy? By the way, readers of this web site are encouraged to mailbomb Bob at <>.

From: Anonymous
Date: 26th April, 2001

Congratulations on a wonderful precinct. I am 84 years old and I enjoy utilising the Zebra crossing at The Spot. Sometimes my pacemaker skips a few beats and I momentarily zone out in the middle of the road. But I digress. Hang on, that's not unusual.

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